CIOE 2017 Shenzhen

The 19th China international optoelectronic exposition was held in Shenzhen from September 6th to 9th. It is the world’s largest optoelectronic show and the member of Union of international Fairs (UFI). As the main producer of optical fiber equipment, our company attended the exposition.

Ключевые слова
Shanghai Weiye OFC,Линия окраски волокна, модульная линия, линия SZ скрутик, линия оболочки, экструдер, отдающее устройство, приемное устройство, линия перемотки кабеля
Shanghai Weiye Optic Fiber Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.// Head Quarter: 201 Minyi road, Songjiang disctrict, Shanghai//
E-mail: // Phone 021-57525687